Aiming to support the development of qualified human resources in our country, ÜNİ-VERİ evaluates the employment data of graduates working in both the public and private sectors transparently and in an evidence-based way using various statistical methods and modern tools. Within the scope of ÜNİ-VERİ, click here to get detailed information about the methods used, the definitions of the indicators, and the department classification.
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Department Profile
By selecting the department you are interested in, you can access the labor market performance indicators of the graduates of the relevant department.
Labor Market Performance Indicators
You can use 15 different labor market performance indicators to evaluate the department you are interested in.
Wages of the graduates in their first job after graduation are adjusted to the 2024 price level using the Consumer Price Index (CPI), and the wages are divided into five groups based on the adjustment.
It refers to the categorization of businesses where graduates are currently employed, based on the size of the firm.
Skill Mismatch occurs when the jobs require fewer or higher qualifications compared to the employee's education level. This indicator shows whether the graduates work in suitable jobs for their qualifications.
It shows the proportion of graduates who are employed in public sector institutions in 2024, including civil servants and contracted public employees.
The length of time between graduation and the first job of graduates is measured and categorized.
It is the distribution of the graduates who are currently employed, based on the sectors classified using NACE Rev.2.
It refers to the average count of distinct workplaces or employers that an individual has employed at after graduation.
It refers to the length of time that businesses remain operational from their establishment until they close or cease operations.
It measures the length of time that elapses between a graduate leaving one job and starting another.
It is the total number of months that the graduate worked in Türkiye after graduation divided by the total number of workplaces where the graduate worked.
It indicates the proportion of graduates who engage in entrepreneurial activities in Türkiye at any time after graduation.
It shows the proportions of graduates working as executives after graduation. The managerial roles are based on executives specified in ISCO-08 occupational standards.
It examines the last jobs of graduates who are employed in teaching or research positions within educational institutions.
It calculates the percentage of graduates who are in registered employment in the public and private institutions in 2024.
It is an index evaluating graduates’ entrepreneurship activities in high value-added sectors in Türkiye. The high value-added sectors are determined using Sector Balance Sheets from the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye and Productivity Statistics from the Ministry of Industry and Technology.
After selecting the 2 different departments, you can compare these departments based on 15 different labor market performance indicators.
Labor Market Performance Indicators
You can use 15 different labor market performance indicators to evaluate the department you are interested in.
Wages of the graduates in their first job after graduation are adjusted to the 2024 price level using the Consumer Price Index (CPI), and the wages are divided into five groups based on the adjustment.