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  • 04/06/2024
    ISTANBUL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (ITU) launches master's program in international human resources management
    Istanbul Technical University (ITU), under the coordination of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Human Resources Office, will begin accepting students for the International Human Resources...
  • 13/10/2023
    Türkiye to Share Experience in Human Resources Management Practices with Turkic States
    Being invited to Türkiye to enhance cooperation in the field of human resources, the President of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs
  • 10/10/2023
    "The Distance Learning Gate" is Offered to Azerbaijani Public Employees
    The "Distance Learning Gate" has been made accessible to public employees in Azerbaijan. A cooperation protocol was signed between the two countries at the Çankaya Mansion regarding the platform’s accession for utilization in Azerbaijan.
  • 26/09/2023
    The Distance Learning Gate is Now Accessible for Utilization in Azerbaijan
    The local and national digital training platform the "Distance Learning Gate", developed by the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Human Resources Office to increase the knowledge, skills and competencies of public employees, is being opened to th
  • 15/08/2023
    Everything About Your Career in One Application: e-insan
    The professional development of our young human resources, from the education period to retirement, is our greatest competitive power. Digital tools and services developed by Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Human Resources Office within the fra
  • 07/02/2023
    National and International Talent Fairs Planned to be held in February Have Been Postponed
    National and International Talent Fairs planned to be organized in February under the coordination of Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Human Resources Office, have been postponed due to the severe earthquakes that occurred in our country on 06.0
  • 23/01/2023
    Another Step on the way for becoming the World's Talent Hub: International Talent Fairs
    With the aim of positioning Türkiye as the "World's Talent Hub", Talent Fairs, have been successfully carried out for four years in 23 different points in Türkiye and 14 different regions in the world. In this year, under the coordination of Presiden
  • 28/09/2022
    Collaboration Protocol Signed Between Our Office and Anadolu University
    Within the framework of the collaboration with Anadolu University, a protocol has been signed to provide more than 30,000 educational materials through the #DistanceLearningGate for the use of our civil servants.
  • 21/02/2022
    Yetenek Her Yerde - National Talent Fairs are Starting
    National Talent Fairs, organized under the coordination of Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Human Resources Office, in order to increase the employability of our university youth, provide equal opportunities in accessing job and internship oppor
  • 30/12/2021
    2022 Will Be the Year of Breakthrough in Public Personnel Training
    Türkiye aims to be one of the leading countries in public employee training with the projects implemented by the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Human Resources Office under the motto of Learning is Everywhere in order to facilitate the access of public employees to training and development activities, to increase their qualifications and to ensure more effective use of training expenditures.