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Career Counseling Information System (DABIS) is an information system designed to use the labor market performance of graduates in preference and vocational counseling activities. It includes data, which is produced by the analysis of the labor market performances of university students based on their departments and universities.

The labor market performance is shared under the indicators of the employment period of university graduates, starting wages, qualification mismatch, the employment rate in the public sector, firm size, and sector distribution. The indicators of the universities and departments can be accessed separately and the indicators of two different universities/departments can be compared.

Career Counseling Information System has been put into use of vocational experts such as psychological counselors, guidance teachers, and career consultants for the benefit of high school students and graduates who want to receive preference counseling or vocational counseling service.

Consultants who are registered on the system can access via the link below. Consultants can examine the labor market performance indicators of the universities and graduates from the “University/Department Profile” tab, and they can compare the indicators of two different universities or departments from the “Comparisons” tab.

For more detailed information about the Career Counseling Information System please send an e-mail to the

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