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The Presidential Human Resources Office is preparing a manual consisting of comprehensive information regarding department selection and employment opportunities after graduation. In the manual, which is in progress and planned to be completed by the selection process, current issues such as university departments, how many students have found jobs related to their fields, the period of time till their employment and salary rates will be included.

There will be some employment tables on a sectoral basis, too. Students will be able to learn about the sectors and occupations that have qualified personnel vacancy or redundancy from the indices in the manual. In addition, in the study of the Presidential Human Resources Office, employment opportunities in public and private sectors will be shared based on the bachelor’s degrees of the universities. In the manual, the compliance ratio for bachelor’s degree and employment relationship will be also provided.

Mismatch is no longer on the agenda

Within the scope of the preparations in the Presidential Human Resources Office, price, qualified mismatch, employment ratio and employment process of the Higher Education Employment Index Research were covered in the manuals. Studies are carried out gradually on the other titles of the research which are public and private sector distinction, dispersion ratio and size of the companies which are worked for.

It will be shared on the website

In the study, which is in the preparation process, YÖK and SGK data are addressed, too. Along with the completion of this study, the occupations which are favorable in terms of pay rate and fast employment will be determined. This data is aimed to be shared with university candidates on the website of the Human Resources Office.

The candidates will be able to see the qualified compliance or qualified mismatch ratios of the departments they will select in employment after graduation on a sectoral basis. The manual, prepared with reference to YÖK, SGK and ÖSYM data, will be renewed annually based on actual data. The study, which will help university candidates in the selection of occupation and department, will be shared on the website of the Presidential Human Resources Office.

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